Maaike Schaap researcher at Aeres University of Applied Sciences Dronten

Position: Teacher - Researcher
Professorship: Agricultural Water Management
Telephone number: +31 68 12 23 471
Social media: LinkedIn

About Maaike Schaap

After studying Environmental Nature Science at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Deventer (BSc) and Radboud University in Nijmegen (MSc), Maaike Schaap worked for various consultancies and government agencies. In 2010, she switched to education. As a Water Management teacher at a secondary vocational school, she developed study programmes and worked with various external partners.

After spending several years fulfilling managerial roles in vocational secondary education and higher education, Maaike studied Educational Leadership at Saxion and obtained her master’s degree. Then she switched from management to a role as teacher researcher in September of 2023 for the Agricultural Water Management professorship at Aeres University of Applied Sciences in Dronten. She works on projects on water management in rural areas, where climate adaptation and water quality play a major role. Knowledge sharing is an important goal in many of these projects, which means she can put her expertise in the field of environmental nature science and education to good use.