Position: Teacher-Researcher
Email: h.renting@aeres.nl
Social media: LinkedIn
Eng. Henk Renting
About Henk Renting
Henk Renting has been working as a teacher researcher at Aeres University of Applied Sciences in Almere since 1 May 2018. He has 20 years of experience as a researcher, teacher and consultant in the field of sustainable agriculture, food systems and regional development.
In 1989, he completed his studies in Rural Sociology and Environmental Hygiene at Wageningen UR and was associated with Wageningen until 2009 as a researcher and European research coordinator for the Rural Sociology Chair. Since 2010, Henk focuses on urban food systems, urban-rural relationships and the role of local government and city regions in the transition to sustainable and healthy food systems.
For more than five years he worked for the RUAF Foundation, an international network in the field of urban agriculture and regional food systems. There he was very much involved with the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, a treaty of more than 180 cities around the world concerning sustainable urban food policy. He also participated with the FAO in research on urban food systems in, among other cities, Utrecht, Toronto (Canada), Medellin and Quito (Latin America). At Aeres, Henk occupies himself with education and research in the field of urban food systems and urban-rural relationships. As an expert, he facilitates the City Deal Voedsel (City Food Deal) on the Stedelijke Agenda (Urban Agenda), a collaboration between 11 Dutch cities, ministries and provinces.