student life at aeres university of applied sciences

If you are planning to study in the Netherlands, you want to know what to expect! Here you can read more about studying in the Netherlands and about student life, housing and student facilities in Almere en Dronten.

Study in the Netherlands

Why study in the Neterlands

The Netherlands is the 18th largest economy in the world and is home to some of the world biggest multinationals. We are also is a world leader in many areas of expertise, including agriculture, water management, art and design, logistics and sustainable energy.

Study in Almere

Building Aeres University of Applied Sciences Almere Floriade Expo 2022

Almere is the youngest city of the Netherlands, located in the province of Flevoland. Almere was built in the 1970's on land that was reclaimed from the sea in a feat of Dutch engineering. Now Almere has been developed into a well-planned city with residential areas, parks, lakes, modern infrastructure and excellent transport connections.

Study in Dronten

International campus Aeres University of Applied Sciences Dronten

Dronten is quite a new town, with 35,000 inhabitants. People have migrated here to work in the new 'Province of Flevoland' in the 1960's. The land was reclaimed from the sea and turned into the current polder. Today, the town is no longer a pioneering community, but a provincial town in The Netherlands made special by its modern amenities, and affluent, easy atmosphere.