Position: Teacher-Researcher
Email: j.van.lent@aeres.nl
Social media: LinkedIn
Jeffrey van Lent
About Jeffrey van Lent
Since 2017, Jeffrey van Lent has been working at Aeres University of Applied Sciences in Almere as a teacher for the Applied Biology programme and the Earth & Climate programme. Before that, he worked for the international forest research institute CIFOR and carried out research on sustainable management of forests in Peru and Indonesia, focusing on swamp forests. Based on that research, he obtained his doctorate in 2020 at Wageningen UR with his thesis ‘Land use change and greenhouse gas emissions in the tropics: Forest degradation on peat soils’. Since then, he works on behalf of Aeres on two projects centring around the theme of agroforestry. For the ‘scientific soil formation in agroforestry’ project, he studies the succession of biodiversity above ground, and for the ‘versatile forest management’ project, he studies the ecosystem ‘services’ of trees to agroforestry systems. His main interest lies in how trees capture carbon and affect the soil.