Marlies Beukenkamp

Position: Teacher - Researcher
Professorship: Ecologically Wise
Social media: LinkedIn

About Marlies Beukenkamp

While and after Marlies Beukenkamp studied Tropical Animal Husbandry (BSc.) at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, and Ecological Agriculture, with a specialisation in Nature Conservation (MSc.) at Wageningen UR, she worked on various international projects in Africa and Asia. The central themes were human-animal conflicts and sociocultural influences.

Back in the Netherlands, Marlies worked for various research agencies and consultancies, where she supported farmers in transforming their farmlands into nature areas, founded estates and carried out landscape development projects. About 12 years ago, she switched to the education sector, where she designed and further developed the Applied Biology programme for secondary vocational education.

In 2021, she started working as a teacher researcher for Aeres University of Applied Sciences in Wageningen. Here she takes students to the world of systems thinking and ecological awareness, and teaches landscape development and nature preservation. She also works on international projects. As a member of the knowledge network of the Ecologically Wise: Insects and Society professorship, she carries out projects with (pre-)vocational secondary education schools, that focus on increasing biodiversity on school premises. The focus is on awareness, critical thinking, increasing one’s own action perspective and monitoring plant-insect interactions.