Position: Researcher
Professorship: Innovation & Urban Green Space
Email: p.limpens@aeres.nl
Social media: LinkedIn
Patrick Limpens
About Patrick Limpens
Patrick Limpens is a researcher in urban planning at the chair of Innovation & Urban Green Space and since the 1st of April 2022 associated with the Aeres University of Applied Sciences Almere. Here, he researches climate resilient and nature inclusive area development in two multi-year projects: Excellent Green & Healthy Living Environment and Nature Inclusive Area Development. Patrick also teaches urban diagnostics and strategy development at the chair of Urbanism and Urban Architecture at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Starting from systems thinking and transition theory, he teaches bachelor's and master's students how to read urban systems and processes through spatial, political, socio-economic, and temporal perspectives, identify problems and their root causes, and subsequently develop a short- and long-term strategy to solve them.
Patrick received his bachelor's degree in architectural engineering (cum laude), with a specialisation in biobased architecture, from Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in Heerlen in 2015. He received his master's degree in urban planning (cum laude) in 2020 from the Eindhoven University of Technology. During and a few years after his studies, he gained practical experience at an architectural firm specialised in cultural heritage. His master thesis 'The Rampart, the Traffic Artery, and the Park' in which he developed a spatial strategy for the Metropolitan Region of Antwerp was nominated for the KuiperCompagnons Graduation Awards 2020.